Thursday, May 20, 2010

Maybe We Are Hippies

At Crossview Covenant Church, we have a community garden at our Howard Drive building.  Todd and I just bought in for one of the plots.  What have we done?  I have this dream of having fresh veggies to eat while we here until August and gaining valuable knowledge to start my own garden in the distant future when we own a house.  I think these may be ridiculous.  We know nothing about gardening and even less about growing food, not just flowers.  So, if you have any advice, let me know!  We're going over today after work to check it out.  I mostly just want fresh green beans all the time.


Oma Penny said...

Plant it, water it, weed it . . . . pray over it? I too want fresh green beans and was thinking of doing some container gardening to get them. I can always call it a daycare learning experience! I'm sure Aunt Joy can give you some pointers on gardening. You hippie! It's ok as long as you don't vote like one!

Joy said...

i cut my waist length hair years ago and my bellbottoms are a thing of the past but i do still say "cool", though never "groovy". love the idea of you guys planting a garden. good luck.

Corrie said...

No advice, but you've inspired me to try a few containers myself. Maybe one with cucumbers and one with bell peppers. I love me some bell peppers.