Sunday, May 16, 2010

Dutch Oven Confusion

Todd and I have finally gotten a dutch oven!  It is a gorgeous cast iron and enamel, 3 quart, blue dutch oven from IKEA.  Guess how much it was.  $40!!  Yes, still a lot of money for youth interns, but pretty cheap for a dutch oven.

While I'm super excited to have one, I have no idea what to make first in it (after seasoning it).  I've been online all afternoon looking for something good to christen it with, but can't decide.  I thought I was close with corn bread, but the only recipes I found had real corn.  I don't do real corn in corn bread.  I want they stuff that is horrible for you with no trace of real nutritious value.  So, if you have a dutch oven recipe you would like to share, I am open to suggestions of things to try.

1 comment:

Oma Penny said...

Ooooh, ahhhh, nice dutch oven. Jon and Faye must be there. C'mon girl, get cookin'!