Monday, April 12, 2010

Quick Chicken Curry

Big thanks go out to Lisa, our ministry support/visual arts person, at church and Todd's nose for this recipe. This may be the best curry Todd and I have made (we only tried one other, and it was good, but not great or this easy.)

So Todd is at church and smells what Lisa has just microwaved for lunch. He goes in to her office to ask what it is. She then tells him "chicken curry" and she'll send him the recipe. I don't know where she found it, but we love it. And we're happy she told us to just make it with rice instead of couscous. I have been adventurous with my food choices since college (I had artichoke hummus today), but couscous may be a bit too far off my radar right now. Anyway, we make it with rice, but I'll include the couscous in case you want to try it. It makes 4-6 servings. We make it for the 2 of us with the same amounts for the veggies and meat, but then make 1 cup of brown rice to serve it on. Wed also leave out the raisins. I don't do cooked raisins unless they are surrounded by bread and cinnamon.

1 cup water
1 cup couscous
2 T olive oil
1 medium yellow onion,diced
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 large carrots, cut into matchsticks
1 cup golden raisins
1 T curry powder
1 chicken breast, cut into small pieces
1 cup coconut milk
salt and pepper

In small saucepan, bring water to a boil.
Turn off heat.
Add couscous and stir once. Cover.
Let sit while preparing the rest of the recipe.

Rest of recipe:
Sauté the veggies and chicken in separate pans in the hot oil on medium high heat.
Add curry powder to veggies. Cook, stirring often, for 3 minutes.
Add chicken and coconut milk.
Bring to a simmer, stirring often.
Season with salt and pepper.
Add cooked rice to pan to let it soak up some of the sauce.
Serve it up in bowls.

The photo does not do it justice. This curry is so good. I wish we had leftovers to reheat, but we never do. And, Todd makes this one by himself. I have nothing to do with it. I really love having a husband that knows how to cook. We would eat like crap four nights out of the week if I had to cook all the time.

Also, I will be on my own for dinner on Thursday and Friday night. If you have a one person recipe that you would like me to try, let me know. And for the FRIENDS watchers out there, I may have to make Rachel's famous baked potato and diet coke if I can't find the motivation or recipe to make. So send them in. I don't like baked potatoes that much (unless covered in cheese and bacon. Hello brain, this is your rump and hips calling. Don't feed us that crap!)


Corrie said...

"I don't do cooked raisins" Okay, Mom.

Couscous is delicious! You should try it. More flavorful than rice, somehow.

Dinner ideas for one? Not sure I can help you. Here's an easy idea though, that would feed you for both nights: rice+can of corn+can of black beans+jar of salsa=burritos!

Megan said...

ooh, sounds really yummy!