Second, I'm siting here at work getting our curriculum for Wealth/Materialism ready for tomorrow night. I'm paging through my Bible, debating how God could bless Abraham and Job with riches but tell a rich kid to sell all his possessions (it's all about your motives. God sees your heart) and I notice the binding on my Bible is starting to crack. Pages are starting to release from the binding and a lot of pages are a little ripped or bent in funny ways. You know what I did when I saw all this? I teared up!
Two stories. First, my friend (yes mom and Corrie, he is technically a friend) Thomas lost his confirmation Bible. He got it in 7th grade and had been making notes in it since then. It was his CBC Bible, which means a lot. CBC is where well over 90% of the notes in my Bible came from. Anyway, he packed it in his checked bag when flying home, and the airline lost it. And it was not returned! His bag was randomly selected for a search, and they must have forgotten to put it back in, because he had his bag, but no Bible. I cannot imagine losing something that becomes to special, it's like it's a part of you.
Second story. I remember getting to CBC and seeing Jeff Mazz's Bible. It was duct taped to hold it together, with pages scotch taped back into place. There was writing everywhere and pages torn and special pieces of paper and cards shoved in everywhere. The first time I saw it, I remember thinking "That is a well used Bible. I want mine to look like that someday."
And here it is. That day is approaching. My Bible is tearing and breaking and it's full of stupid notes and cards from various people. But I want my kids to see it someday and know that I love Jesus and want to know what He says. I was teary eyed because I'm excited to know that my Bible can be a representation of my Christian faith. It's old and torn in some places, but it's always God's testimony for how much He loves us. As cheesy as it sounds, I want that.
With all that said, I am thinking about a new Bible. Not to replace, but to have another translation. So far, my collection is an NIV, NLT, and a Message Remix (Todd adds an ESV to the mix). For my John class, we had to have an NASB version, which is a word by word translation of the Hebrew and Greek. It doesn't flow as well as these other versions, but it's a more literal translation. It's nice for Biblical Study (which I do so much of in my free time, wink). But I also need to get a Bible that has my new name on it. My Erin Droogsma confirmation Bible is the one falling apart. I have been searching for a small way to keep the Droogsma around, and this is going to be it. Now I can change my drivers license and my Facebook name. So, I want to purchase soon a "pocket sized" NASB version Bible with Erin Spieker written on it. So if you see a cheap one anywhere, let me know. I want it.
"And here it is. That day is approaching. My Bible is tearing and breaking and it's full of stupid notes and cards from various people. But I want my kids to see it someday and know that I love Jesus and want to know what He says."
Hey Droogsma, this is the best couple of sentences I've seen in a blog in a while... I love your heart.
You Rock!
Don't forget your big sister has access to all kinds of special book tape and glue...we'll make a special repair trip to school next time you are here. It won't look pretty, but it will keep you from losing pages and things!
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