Well, here is my first decorated cake, in all it's glory. We actually have two round cake pans. Duh, Erin. I bought a few piping tips and some disposable bags after work yesterday so I could just practice some techniques. Then Todd convinced me to make a small cake to practice on. So it's a homemade yellow cake (that was a bit too dense. It tasted like pound cake.) with homemade buttercream frosting. Considering it my first attempt at everything, I thought it turned out pretty well. And my coworkers that got to eat it thought so too.

My fish need a lot of help.

Check out my brown sugar sand. Pretty creative (I saw it on a website.)
that turned out pretty cool
Ah, I should have made some bubbles or something so my fish don't look like they are just sitting there.
Thanks Megan! I know you frost lots of stuff, so I'm sure your cakes are way better than this.
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