If I have to hear one more time that youth ministry is a slacker major, I may go balistic. I work very hard at learning how to talk with youth and develop curriculum in the classroom while putting it into practice with internships and at Sojourner (my church). People cannot learn the same thing I am learning in the classroom with a good internship. Without some sort of committment to studying youth ministry's practice for three years of your life while emmersing yourself in a youth group to practice what you are learning, you will struggle in youth ministry. Youth ministry is not something you can do just because you care about youth. It is something you have to learn how to do, through study and practice.
On a lighter note, I have a new project. Until Todd and I get married, I am going to take a picture of myself everyday of my mood when I wake up and post them all at the end of the week. I need something to distract me until I get married. Here is one to get you started.
don't go ballistic but, I love you!
Quit making mean comments and maybe I won't have to.
I know, I know, is phony major!
I could think of a few more slacker majors, but I might offend some people that I really like!
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