So here are the first week in pictures, starting on Wednesday.

I woke up on Wednesday with pain in my left eye. It hurt all around the eyelid and into the inside corner, so now I'm on the look out for pink eye. Let's hope it is not coming for me.

Thursday morning was much worse. I had stayed up until 3am working on a presentation about Bonhoeffer and Nazi Ethics for my Western Theological Traditions class. Here I am at 7:30am getting up for class and freaking out about it.

I woke up today very happy! Todd was getting me some breakfast and we are going to Red Wing today for just over a week. I'm in the library right now watching Todd work and posting, while waiting for class to come and go so we can get on the road!
So my week in pictures: painful, scared, and very happy. We'll see what next week brings.
Dang, look at those straight, white teeth! Someone must've invested in those chompers long ago...
Alert, alert! Keens now come in baby size!
So cute!
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