Just a random thought I had this past weekend to make my life happier.
Friday morning, I woke up and had to go to a youth ministry meeting. While there with the two other people that came (of our group of six), us three girls giggled and chatted for almost two hours! It made me miss the days of high school mornings in the locker bay. I always started the day there by laughing with my friends and being reassured that I was important to them. I wish I made times in my mornings to do that now because my Friday was great. Laughter is so great to start the day off. Better than the latte that made me feel queezy.
In light of that, the photograph below is a product of giggling. This is Christmas Eve at the Droogsma house. William's and my smiles are because of a joke before the picture was taken. And of course Anne is smiling because she is happy about something. It just proves my point that laughter is something to cherish. It comes out in photos as genuine happiness. And as a sappy side note, I'm glad the photos I have of Todd and myself are genuinly happy ones.

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