Last year, I attended a Friday night and all day Saturday class about building bridges with the GLBT community. The Andrew Marin Foundation's founder Andrew Marin came and spoke about the work his foundation does and what it looks like to be a straight, white, Christian male working in Boystown in Chicago. This class made me think of homosexuality in a completely different way, for the better. The more I thought about it, wrestled with it, and learned, I came to see that it is a sin in God's eyes. But how is that more of a sin than me gossiping about my friends, or taking a piece of Halloween candy from Will when I was eight? The truth is, it isn't. To God, sin is sin, no matter what kind it is. It is not my job to condem the GLBT community. It is my job to walk along side them and be an example of Christ in their lives so that one day, they may come to know him and have a lasting, real relationship with him.
So where does WBC get the notion that it is their predestined job to picket funerals of gay individuals, soldiers of the Iraq War, and (as they so tastefully put it) "fag enablers". My Bible does not say anything about Jesus hating gays. All I see is that we are a fallen world looking for restoration with our creator.
Sin is a terrible thing that eats away at your life. But sin is sin and equal in God's eyes. He loves everyone, no matter what their lifestyle, religion, or ethnicity. Is that a free pass to sin or that everyone is going to be restored? Not at all. Stay away from sin, and restoration comes from a real relationship with Jesus Christ. But does that mean judgment from one human on another is wrong? Yes. We are in no place to judge one another. So why do we so quickly start?

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