Tuesday, November 4, 2008




Corrie said...

There are no words to express my disappointment. Except these:

We will pay. Every one of us. We will pay in our tax dollars and in our loss of power around the world. And all of you who think you "changed the world" will some day realize that you changed it for the worse. So thanks, jerks.

Will said...

I harbor no ill will towards the Obama camp, and really hope that he is not soft and gets the job done. I don't want these next four years to go down the toilet just to prove a point...but I will say these are going to be tense times, and everyone is going to be watching us.

Nanny #2 said...

Brian, dont' try to mess with the Droogsma gang. You will lose.

Corrie said...

Yeah, Brian. We're not blind followers. I guess if we look at it from your perspective it would be

"I hate working and earning money and love giving it to lazy people who don't deserve it"
"The President is all-powerful and super-human and can fix the whole world in a matter of weeks"
"Iraqi people don't deserve freedom and should continue living in the Dark Ages, beating their wives and keeping little girls from going to school"
"Women who can't figure out how to use a condom should get to kill their inconvenient babies"
"Jesus is a myth, guns are evil, and anyone who doesn't believe evolution as fact must be a backwards hillbilly."

We get the other perspective. We just know how wrong it is and how bad it is for our country.