My new obsession is the wonderful British show "Doctor Who". It has been running from 1963-1989 and then restarted in 2005 and has been running since. The Doctor is an alien that can regenerate himself when he is about to die, so many different people (10 so far) have played the Doctor.

The Doctor travels around in his spaceship the TARDIS. It stands for Time and Relative Dimension in Space. So he can travel anywhere and go to any time period. He travels to save the world and other plants and species again and again. The funny thing is that he doesn't want to kill anything, he always wants to help some other way, but some things die every once in a while.

Also, the Doctor is a bit of a player. He always has an assistant with him, and it is always a woman. Rose, his most memorable, he saved and then invited her to come with him and see the universe. It is always some thirst for adventure that brings them along.
I feel like there is some deep, theological meaning that I can pull from it. But for now, I am enjoying their adventures and the accents.